Chocolate rules for Valentine’s Day Treats and for any other occasion… because any occasion calls for chocolate.
Have some fun giving this to a friend for no reason – or to bring when a group of friends get together. You can all enjoy a laugh and then split the candy bar. I used a supersized candy bar for this treat – but you can easily adapt this to a smaller bar.
Those classic Sweethearts candy! This is a cute way to wrap them up – and to make a kid wonder how the magic happens!
These quick packages are made with just the heart punches, the From My Heart Specialty Designer Series Paper and a clear envelope. We made these for my mom and her roommate in the nursing home. We used mom’s favorite candy of course!
And Tim made for me – a brownie in one of the cute Heart Foil Tins. If your kids or grandkids like to bake, they would love making these for friends or to decorate the table!
You can see all of these projects being made in this video. Just go to 7:05 if you want to see just these projects.
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