I was sitting with Tim in the waiting room of the Piper Breast Center for the first of many doctor appointments after my diagnosis with breast cancer.
Tim noticed it first…a small basket on the volunteer’s desk with a bunch of little cards in it.
The volunteer said they had been made by someone and donated and that we could each take one. So here we were, going one by one through these beautifully hand made artist trading cards, each one with an origami crane and a word or words of encouragement.
Each one was more beautiful than the next. Our thoughts were transported far away.
Of course, I came home and wanted to know more about who created these pieces of art that give encouragement.
The artist, Jeanne Jensen, made 1000 cranes during her chemotherapy.
Tradition says that if you fold 1000 cranes, your wish will come true.
She chose to send these cranes to 1000 people going through cancer, attaching a crane to these little cards.
Each one is a unique piece of art and includes a word of encouragement. The two cards we have are numbered 194/1000 and 305/1000.
Visit her site by clicking on http://cranesofhope.wordpress.com/ When you get there, click on “about” to read her story and the “photo gallery” to see more of her crane artist cards.
As 2013 comes to an end tonight, I am reminded that in the middle of hard times, there are always blessings. Thanks, Jeanne Jensen, for your inspiration!
If you find that her work and her story inspire you as well, please share this post on facebook!
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