So many things you can do with this Botanical Blooms Bundle! How would you like to have five of those ideas delivered right to your door?
and did I say those magic words “for FREE”?
All you need to do is place a minimum $40 order before tax and shipping through my online store using host code VBK9H4KD and those cards will be showing up on your doorstep! (Of course, if your order is $150 or more, you are your own host and you get the host benefits, so don’t use that code.)
Two of the cards will be completed cards and three will be card kits! All will include envelopes and PDFs!
I shared this video tutorial a couple of days ago and I will share it again today because this is one of the cards you will get to make! All of the pieces come in your kit.
Press’n Seal Technique for Botanical Blooms!
So … what if you want the PDFs but don’t need the card kits? You can order just those too! ($6.95)
Questions? Email me! I would love to send you your FREE Botanical Blooms Class to Go!
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