I was going through my posts for the year today and realized I had never posted this one in October as planned! This event is over, but I wanted to share with you what we did anyway. By the way, we raised over $1200 for breast cancer research! (and stay tuned for next year!)
Today’s post is a more personal story than I usually write.
Since most of us have been touched by breast cancer, whether in ourselves, a family member, or friend, it is an important story to tell.
Three years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am, gratefully, cancer free now … but I will never take another day for granted! Each October I host a
Card Making Event for Breast Cancer Research.
Attendees make 7 cards for $15 and all of the money is donated. (With a grateful heart, I provide all of the card supplies and envelopes.)
We gather at a church in Richfield, MN. You can read more about that here.
Long Distance Card Making Fundraiser
We would love to have you involved even if you live far away or can’t make it that day.
A group of us will make your cards for you (while Tim serves us lunch, of course!).
Or … if you prefer … you can just get the supplies and photos of the cards and create your own.
The cost is $20 ($5 will go for shipping, but if shipping doesn’t cost that much, the rest will go for research.)
You have a choice of paying through Paypal, or you may send me a check. (Actually, you can send two checks if you prefer – one for $15 written directly to the organization we are supporting, and $5 to me for the postage.)
What will the cards be like?
Of course I haven’t planned them yet, but they will be quick & easy, but lovely, cards so that we can invite non stampers to join us. This Thursday, on Facebook Live at 1 pm Central Time – on my Facebook Page right here – I will be talking about this event – as well as sharing “the art of making CAS (clean & simple) cards”. I would love to see you there.
Metavivor: Funding Research for Stage 4 Breast Cancer
This is the organization we are raising money for.
When I received my diagnosis, I did a lot of research. I was surprised at how little money that is raised by major organizations actually goes towards research. (Most of it goes toward awareness – and I think we have that one covered!)
30% of breast cancer patients develop metastatic breast cancer (stage 4 cancer), yet only 2% of the money that does get marked for research goes toward stage 4 cancer research. Metavivor, an entirely volunteer-run organization, funds this type of research. I would encourage you to read more about them here.
No Cards Today … but a Little Humor!
We all have different ways of coping. I like to use humor. This is how I announced my diagnosis on my Facebook Page three years ago:
Monday I will be having a double mastectomy because of breast cancer … so I was wondering … do you think this would be a good look for me for Halloween?
The morning of my surgery (I had chosen to not have reconstructive surgery), I put this on my Facebook page!
So … we would love to have you join us in this opportunity to make a difference while we enjoy our love of card making! Please email me if you have any questions … and go here to read more about how to get involved.
and this was the Karen and Tim Facebook Live
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