Our 4 1/2 year old grandson Hank has never been interested in crafts (not that I haven’t tried, of course). He might sit and color or paint for a minute or two – and then he’s off to other activities.
But when his family put up their Christmas tree, he was totally enamored with this angel.
Its made with irridescent gift wrap so it changes color as the lights change. His dad told him that he had made it when he was a boy.
A few days later, he asked his dad if he thought that he was a big enough boy to learn to make one too.
So they called me to see if I could teach Hank.
Hank made 10 of them to give for presents. I hope this was the first of many years to come where he will have a gift making day with me for Christmas.
When all was done, he decided to use the punches – standing on them was the only way to get them to work.
Do you craft with children for Christmas? Or bake? What a great time of year to share whatever we love to do with the little ones in our lives.
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