I know this post will be showing my age, but I would love to know how many of you can relate to my experiences, so today you can read how I make a Monster Rant Against Technology! I even made a card with the Make a Monster stamp set and the First Edition Specialty Designer Series Paper. I won't be sending this to anyone, of course, but I will put it in my scrap book!
Look how many appropriate words and phrases I found on the First Edition Specialty Designer Series Paper!
Here are my three true technology stories, all of which took place at the Stampin Up! Convention in July.
1. For the first time in my life, I lost my phone! I went to the offices of the Salt Lake City Convention Center to see if it had been found. Two men were in the office and they asked me to describe my phone. I said it was "one step up from a flip phone". They laughed and laughed and said the only phone that had been turned in was an old flip phone…..and I said I couldn't believe I was actually looking for something newer than had been turned in.
When I get home, I'm telling Tim what happened and he laughs and laughs and says "Karen, your phone was a flip phone. You had to flip it to talk on it, didn't you? That would have been your phone turned in!"
2. For the first time ever, I brought my laptop to convention for an extra class I had signed up for about using the new My Digital Studio Program. As part of the class, we got to download the new program – and, of course, I was having trouble and had to ask for help. I was told my computer was too old and slow to run this – and I really needed a new one!
3. Also, for the first time, I actually went to Convention with a camera!!!! I took lots of pictures to put on my blog for you to see……and when I came home, I couldn't get the pictures to upload on my computer. Tim took the camera in to the store and was told that this camera was too old to run the 8gb I had put in it. It can only take the 4gb, So all those pictures got deleted.
I hope you can tell from my stories that I am really trying to catch up with this modern world! In fact, as of right now, I am going to get a new phone next week (and it won't be a flip), I traded computers with my husband (his is a bit newer and faster), and I have my 4gb in my camera. Here's hoping all of this will work for a while at least!
Thanks for reading my rant on technology! Please leave a comment or share if you can relate to my story. I don't want to think I am the only one left behind!!! And….while you are at it…..what messages can you come up with the First Edition Specialty Designer Series Papers?
I understand totally. My kids did buy me an iPad for Christmas which I love but I still have a flip phone. I told my daughter that I would not start texting on my phone and one day we started using the messages app on our iPads, I told her it was fun and she said that was texting. Go figure.
That’s a great story! We must give our kids plenty of laughs!