This is Anna, a young woman with Down Syndrome, that I am mentoring.
(Her card kits can be purchased online. I will tell you how at the end of this post.)
This photo was taken at the Open House for her new business last month.
At the Open House, she demonstrated to her guests how she makes her card kits.
Anna comes to work each Tuesday. I have a card designed and she does all of the work from cutting the paper, scoring, punching, and working with the Big Shot.
She works on 3 cards at a time, stacking the pieces and then packaging them.
The package includes a color copy of what the finished card will look like and a thank you note signed by Anna explaining that all you need to add is glue or tape to assemble the cards
This is the current card Anna is working on. Isn’t it pretty? Use it for a Christmas card or a winter birthday card!
She sells her card kits for $5 and each kit contains all of the supplies and envelopes for 3 cards.
Anna says its fun to come to work and you can tell that by watching her. I work on my computer during that time so that I’m available for questions, but not watching.
For me, one of the great things about Anna doing this is that there is a lot required of her. She has to figure out each step of the process and use a variety of tools. It keeps her on her toes and interested! I can always tell if she is stuck because she stands quietly looking at her supplies for awhile before asking for help. By asking her a couple of questions, she is on her way again.
I love supporting entrepreneurs and I think you would agree that Anna is a great one to support! I would encourage you to visit and like her facebook business page by clicking here. To place an order, you can email her there or you can email me at Give a gift that makes a difference! (These make great $5 gifts or great cards to use yourself!)
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