I prepared and served a light meal during Karen’s several Customer Open House events last weekend. I have gotten to know and enjoy her regular customers…(and I know they like to give me grief!) For this event, I tried out a new salad and we all loved it. The recipe is below. Fast Fumi Salad […]
Wonderful Blessing: The Christmas Giving Box!
Do you ever wish for a meaningful way at Christmas to help your children become more “mission minded”? I made this Christmas Giving Box with the Wonderful Blessing stamp to add to our Christmas traditions because of this true story I heard. (I wish I knew who to give credit to.) Years ago, this family […]
Lots of Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas!
Are you still wondering to make for a few gift ideas? Here to the rescue are several ideas shared by a group of us! This was our first try at a Google Hangout and we made lots of mistakes, but the ideas are great. I’m sure we will get better as we get experienced. I […]
Stamping Christmas Open House in Richfield, MN!
I’m hosting a Christmas party and everyone who attend will receive a gift! This is the set of gifts I’m working on right now! It takes place this Friday, Dec 13 and Saturday Dec 14. Tim is cooking and serving lunch! We will be making a few gift tags too…..so take a break from shopping […]
Stampin’ Up! Z is for Zentangle (with the Christmas Ornament Punch)
We made it all the way to Z! Thanks for hanging out with me during this Stamping through the Alphabet Series. Have you seen the Christmas Ornament Punch looking like this before? I’m sure you haven’t because its done with Zentangle and everyone would make it with a different design. I have a question for […]
Introducing……Anna’s Card Kits!
This is Anna, a young woman with Down Syndrome, that I am mentoring. (Her card kits can be purchased online. I will tell you how at the end of this post.) This photo was taken at the Open House for her new business last month. At the Open House, she demonstrated to her […]
The Perfect Holiday Gift for a Crafter!!!
Whether its for a serious crafter in your life, or for someone you would like to share your love of crafting with (think grandkids, nieces, as well as friends)…..or for yourself! A gift certificate for products in the Stampin’ Up! catalog! The reindeer from Color Me Christmas is dragging the gift (from the same set) […]
Hearts Collection and Merry Minis Punches on Sale!
Eight Great Items 30% Off This Week Only: 1. Merry Minis Punch Pack Regularly $16.95, This Week Only $12.71 See the directions and video tutorial here for this fun accordian Christmas card. 1 1/4 Scallop Circle Punch Regularly $15.96, This Week Only $11.96 Hearts Collection Framelits […]