May I welcome you to 2014 with this beautiful Burlap and Blooms Wreath that invites pleasant thoughts of spring! (someday….)
Today’s project is brought to you by Bobbie Bjergo. Read more about her thoughts on this kits below, but first…
I did something fun with the new Occasions Catalog.
As demonstrators, we get to order from the new catalogs a month before they go active for customers.
So….I bought the different kits in it and sent them to members of the Fine Line (my group of demonstrators) in exchange for them working with the kit and giving a review of it. It will be fun for all of us to see what they did with them!
Burlap and Blooms Simply Created Wreath Kit
For the flowers I just curled all the circles with my bone folder and then applied a dot of hot glue. I then slightly overlapped the cut ends together. Then I glued 3 together and just added petals until the flower looked full. I found this part challenging because my flowers didn’t look like the example but… all flowers are unique – so it’s all good!
The new Occasions Catalog is here.
(Email me at for a complimentary catalog if you don’t have one yet!)
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