or…How I spent my weekend!
Sometimes I think I was born too long ago to catch up on doing business online……but I won’t give up!
My laptop computer screen burned out so I had to attach it to a desktop monitor while I tried to move my email over to a newer laptop. Does that even make sense?
Do you struggle with technology?
Timeless Talk in the “old days” was so much easier!
I even made a card for that!
(Supplies: Timeless Talk, Modern Mosaic and Perfect Polka Dot folders, 3/4″ Chevron Ribbon, and Very Vintage Designer Buttons)
When I was young, we had a party line, which meant our phone line was shared by several homes. When the phone rang with three rings close together, that meant it was for us. If we picked up the phone to make a call, and someone from one of the other homes was already talking with someone else, we would hang up and wait for a few minutes and then try again.
Today, kids grow up constantly connected to their phones, ipads, whatever….. We often have to ask them to turn them off while we enjoy a meal together!
What’s your story? Do you remember party lines, operators connecting your calls, phones actually attached to cords…… Please share!
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