Let me introduce you to a woman who changed my life. Perhaps you have met her. This is Mable Hoffman who wrote the Crockery Cookery in 1975. This is her picture on the back of the book.
How did she change my life? I love to cook and I love to be creative. My kids thought that was a mistake. My creativity took me places cooking should never go. They even accuse me of putting blueberries in a mac and cheese type dish. I find that hard to believe. The truth is, however, that I loved to combine things on my own in a random way. I ate most of my dishes alone.
One day I picked this book up off the shelf and looked through it. I actually decided to try a recipe and, to my delight, my kids suddenly declared me an excellent cook.
This is the recipe that changed my family's opinion of my cooking:
Mable may be retired or dead, but her recipes live on!
I had that cookbook! Truthfully, I didn't really utilize like I probably should have, so I only just eliminated it from my cookbook collection on a recent purging binge, but it is fun to see someone else owned it, too.
Thanks for you comment Barbara! You may choose to get it again some day!