Dear Santa,
What I really really want for Christmas is …
1. Stampin’ Stuff (over $100 worth is on my list!)
2. Unending ideas of what to do with all that stampin’ stuff!
3. A bunch of handmade cards to get me inspired
4. A fun facebook group to share ideas with …. and party with …. and become good friends with …..
5. Someone who will send me a card each month when I have sold $1000 or promoted or gotten a recruit or …… just a little recognition!
6. Opportunities to travel – either to learn more about stampin’ stuff and have fun with friends …. or maybe free trips that I could earn. (Did you say “Mediterranean”?)
7. Discount on all the stampin’ stuff I know will be added to my list.
…What was that you say? I can have it all?
$74.25 gets me $125 in stampin’ stuff and all the rest besides?
….Just a minute … there is someone I need to call!
Operators (one – that would be me) are standing by to take your call! Call 612-929-1277 now while this offer is good! (this week)
I had fun writing this post – but I am serious about this amazing opportunity! I would love to talk with you. Call me at 612-929-1277 or email me. Let’s talk!
Karen Titus
P.S. The above article is a combination of what SU! offers (the kit and travel) and what I offer (the rest) as an upline to the Fine Line group of stampers. We would love to have you join us.
Well done, Karen. Very inviting yet not too wordy. The pictures add a lot. I am so impressed at your growing computer savvy. Woo hoo!
Thanks so much, Sally! You have watched my struggle all along!!!!!